Wednesday, January 29, 2020

End of January Joy!

Sleek and sexy in his seat is our hairy man above! He has every reason to be proud of not only his hirsute armpit but also of his furry physique! He's both appealing and confidant! 

Hirsute armpit lover,


Sunday, January 26, 2020

Licking and Tasting!

For many of us who find a man's hirsute armpits a sensual and sexual stimulant and delight, there is an uncanny satisfaction from orally adoring the underarm. The pleasure is immense and unbelievable! Our couple in the gif. above prove this reality!

Hirsute armpit lover,


Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Underwear Decliner!

This man is obviously enjoying some relaxation time during this month of January. Who can blame him for taking advantage of being inside during the coldest season of the year? Besides, he doesn't mind giving us a view of his hairy armpits!

Hirsute armpit lover,


Sunday, January 19, 2020

Underarms Up High!

Gay social media sensation Dallas "Flashman" Wade has no regrets sharing his hirsute armpits with all of us here! 

Hirsute armpit lover,



Wednesday, January 15, 2020

"69" Underarm Fur!

As proudly as both of these men are displaying their hirsute armpits, it is also obvious that they both are attracted to more than sucking on the other erection. Hirsute armpits most definitely contain sex appeal, too! 

Hirsute armpit lover,


Sunday, January 12, 2020

Hirsute Armpit Pride!

It is quite obvious that this man has an abundance of both confidence and pride in the actual sex appeal of his very own hirsute armpits! Who can blame him for his obvious appreciation of his own masculine attraction? He is literally "too good to be true!"

Hirsute armpit lover!


Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Daveed Diggs Underarm Fur!

To welcome in the New Year, 2020, here's a delightful sexy gif image here of handsome and sexy, Daveed Diggs, star of Broadway's Hamilton and an appealing contemporary actor proudly showing us his sexually appealing hirsute armpits! 

Thanks, Daveed!

Hirsute armpit lover,


Sunday, January 5, 2020

Double-View: Both Armpits!

A shirtless and sunny day may not be available for the majority of us during the month of January, but the above model has no shame over his hairy armpits and his chest hair! He has every reason to be proud of his growth! 

Hirsute armpit lover,


Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Sparse Underarm Hair!

Our man above is bold enough to keep his sparse amount of armpit hair instead of timidly shaving it all away! Good for him! I admire and salute him! 

Best wishes to all of you for all of 2020!

Hirsute armpit lover,
